Reading Plus Level G Answers
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Navajo Heroes / The Secret Words
Q. This selection is mainly about World War II and
Ans: How a unique code played a critical role in winning the war.
Q. In the Navajo secret code, the word for the subject in this picture meant
Ans: Battleship.
Q. The code demonstration changed the American general’s mind about using the Navajos. Which word best describes the primary factor for the change in the general’s opinion?
Ans: Swiftness
Q. In this excerpt, what does the word “crack” mean?
Ans: Make sense of
Q. Place the following events in order.
Ans: Johnson learns to speak the Navajo language.
Johnson reads a article about code development.
Johnson urges an American general to use Navajos.
Johnson puts on a demonstration of Navajos skills.
Q. Which sentence supports the statement, “communication is a critical part of any war”?
Ans: If the enemy were to intercept these communications, the element of surprise would be lost.
Q. What is the most unusual aspect of the Navajo language?
Ans: It has no alphabet or symbols.
Q. According to this selection, for which two items does the military still use Navajo Code terms today?
Ans: Running shoes
Q. Based on this excerpt, what could be considered a “stumbling block” in developing the secret code?
Ans: No Navajo words existed for military equipment.
Q. What could happen if a written secret code was carried on the battlefield?
Ans: It could fall into enemy hands if the Code Talker was captured.
Q. Which sentence supports the military’s decision to use the Navajos as Code Talkers?
Ans: Their languages’ strange tones and unusual word arrangement made it almost impossible for non-native speakers to understand.
Q. In this excerpt, which phrase explains why the Japanese were frustrated in trying to crack this secret code?
Ans: gurgling noises
Pulling Through
Q. This story is mainly about
Ans: A family’s struggle
Q. This story is made up….. this story can best be described as fitting into which two genres
Ans: Realistic fiction
Historical fiction
Q. The first excerpt is from the U.S. National archives. Which two statements are correct?
Ans: The flu deadly power
People in rural and urban
Q. When baby Clara became sick, Anna’s mother called the family ” a strong lot”…… What did she mean by this?
Ans: The family all survived the flu
Q. The first member of the McNaughton family to catch the flu was
Ans: Baby Clara
Q. Choose the two that best explain why the flu was so deadly.
Ans: Influenza came without warning,
Instead, the flu slipped
Q. When Anna became ill, why was Anna father so concerned to discover that she had a bloody nose?
Ans: It was a sign that she may not live through the night.
Q. Anna’s older brother John had a difficult job…… He would ask, “How many?” How many what?
Ans: Coffins were needed
Q. Simile is a figure of speech…….. Which phrase in this excerpt uses an example of simile to describe the city?
Ans: Is like a ghost town.
Q. Read this excerpt. Why didn’t Anna feel like racing?
Ans: She was worried about the deadly flu outbreak.
Proceed With Caution
Q. Selection mainly about…
Ans: Search for life in space and the debate about whether it’s a good idea
Q. Based on this excerpt, what does David Grinspoon argue is the greatest threat to human survival
Ans: Human beings
Q. In the past scientists have used SETI to search radio signals from space… What makes active seti different?
Ans: It would send out radio signals to space with the intention of being found
Q. Read this excerpt, Grispoon uses the word “anti human” to describe his belief that…
Ans: One person should not make a decision that affects the entire human race
Q. What are the protocols vakoch.. selection?
Ans: Policies or rules… life beyond earth.
Q. Before contacting aliens… choose one sentence that explains the reason for this
Ans: “If we do contact aliens.. interactions peaceful”
Q. Based on this selection.. two… support of active SETI.
Ans: Space beings…
Humans are already…
Q. Which one of these… why author wrote the text?
Ans: Should we actively… to space beings?
Q. Based on this selection.. against active SETI?
Ans: Without knowing what space… earth is unwise.
Q. Together these two excerpts demonstrate scientists.
Ans: Opposing views on attempting to find alien life.
For Gold And Glory
Q. This story is mainly about
Ans: the development and destruction of a complex culture.
Q. The Aztecs could be described as
Ans: forceful but creative.
Q. A legend said that the Aztecs needed to find a new place to live because
Ans: they angered their gods, who banished them from their homeland.
Q. Which sentence best supports the idea that the Aztecs had an advanced system of agriculture?
Ans: Land was reclaimed by covering the marshes with reeds and then soil.
Q. Which of the following probably would have been seen at the markets of Tenochtitlan?
Ans: shoppers buying everything from firewood to feathers.
Q. Aztec pyramids were similar to Egyptian pyramids in that they both were constructed with
Ans: huge stones.
Q. Which of the following sentences is an opinion?
Ans: It may not have been the best place to build the capital of an empire but that did not stop the Aztecs.
Q. The most important factor motivating Cortes to march on Tenochtitlan was
Ans: the rich treasures that would be his when he conquered the city.
Q. What does this excerpt say about human nature?
Ans: Even a leader of a highly developed culture can be cruel.
Q. Which of the following involves an important coincidence in the sequence of events that influenced the outcome of the story?
Ans: Cortes arrived at the same time a god who had once ruled the area was predicted to return.
The World of Soccer
Q. This selection is mainly about soccer and the
Ans: The group that organizes the sports competitions around the world.
Q. The tone is an author’s attitude toward a topic. In this excerpt, the author’s tone is
Ans: Serious.
Q. The previous question asked about the author’s tone in an excerpt about players who get red cards. Which sentence from the selection indicates a similar tone?
Ans: These rules are designed to keep players safe by keeping the games fair and punishing bad behavior.
Q. This author most likely wrote this selection to
Ans: Inform the reader of the history of the FIFA World Cup.
Q. According to the author, a player who argues with an official will most likely
Ans: Be given a yellow card.
Q. In a FIFA World Cup tournament “bid” presentation, what two topics do presenters for each country need to discuss?
Ans: Why soccer fans would want to visit their country
What cities could host the tournament games
Q. In 1983, the original FIFA World Cup trophy was stolen. FIFA addressed this problem in which two ways?
Ans: By creating a new World Cup trophy and locking it up
By designing a replica to give winners
Q. After World War II, what was unique about Germany’s involvement in the World Cup?
Ans: Germany was divided into two countries and had two teams in the tournament.
Q. Choose two sentences from this excerpt that explain the potential benefit to countries that host the FIFA World Cup tournament.
Ans: While hosting the World Cup can be costly, it can also make FIFA and the host country a lot of money.
In 2018, Russia reported that it would make $31 billion by the end of the tournament.
Q. Read these two excerpts from the selection. How does Excerpt 1 relate to Excerpt 2?
Ans: Excerpt 1 describes a problem, and Excerpt 2 explains a solution.
Innovative Technology / Real Sports, Virtual Reality
Q. The central idea of this selection is about how VR technology
Ans: Keeps changing to include more experiences and opportunities for the people who use
Q. Read the excerpt. The author includes this excerpt in the selection to
Ans: Help with visualizing what it would be like to watch a game using VR
Q. According to the text, which two of the following statements best explain the downsides of being a sports fan?
Ans: Watching games on television makes it hard to feel like you are part of the action.
It is difficult to see the sport being played if your seats are far from the entertainment.
Q. Read this excerpt. This excerpt is being told through which point of view?
Ans: Second-person point of view
Q. Read this excerpt. Choose the sentence that shows VR can be useful in areas other than sports.
Ans: “People are using VR to perform surgery, explore distant planets, engineer and design new products–even to make people more understanding of others.”
Q. Chris Kluwe thinks professional football players should use VR and AR during games to
Ans: Allow athletes to play smarter and safer.
Q. According to the selection, why are some people afraid to step off the edge of a virtual cliff?
Ans: Part of their brain believes they will fall.
Q. Based on these two excerpts, how is VR different from 2D video?
Ans: VR allows players to feel like they are in the game, whereas 20 allows players to watch as if they are on the sidelines.
Q. Supports the author’s claim that VR could shift the belief that video games In the following paragraph, choose the sentence that best do not require enough physical activity.
Ans: “This means you can put on a headset and move around a room, controlling the game with your body, instead of just sitting on your couch, smashing buttons on a controller.”
Q. Think about what you have read. Which two statements about VR are correct?
Ans: •Doctors are using VR to perform surgery on patients.
•Athletes use VR to train and play better in their sport.
Q. Some people do not consider gaming a sport because it
Does not require enough physical activity.
Q. This selection can be described as
An informational text
Your Own Person
Q. What is the main idea of this selection?
Ans: Be your own person, no matter what other people think.
Q. Maddie first became interested in retro clothing as a result of her
Ans: family’s problems after her father lost his job.
Q. Other than Beatniks, what were two prominent groups in the 1950s?
Ans: The Conservatives; The Rebel Rousers.
Q. What kind of place is Santee Alley?
Ans: a giant flea market where designers get their start.
Q. Choose the sentence in this excerpt that shows that Maddie’s mother supported daughter’s interest in fashion.
Ans: When I told my mother how the girls made fun of me, she said, “You either dress like everyone else, or you stay your own person and don’t worry about what anyone else thinks.”
Q. Maddie found her clothes mainly
Ans: thrift shops and her grandmother’s closet.
Q. Which sentence demonstrates that Alessandra was a good mentor to Maddie?
Ans: “If not, you’ll go back to the drawing table and start all over again, but you will succeed, Maddie.”
Q. According to Alessandra Gomez, what does Maddie need to do first in order to be a good fashion designer?
Ans: learn about the characteristics of different fabrics.
Q. How does this image relate to Maddie’s fashion style?
Ans: She was inspired by the clothing of the 1950s.
Q. The one of Maddie’s words in this concluding paragraph gives the impression that she is
Ans: gratified and optimistic.
A License To Print Money
Q. What is the central idea of this selection?
Ans: The way news is shared has changed throughout history
Q. Choose the sentence from this excerpt that explains how the printing press made the
Ans: Instead of being written out by hand, poems, Bibles, and other books
Q. More Americans knew what was happening during the Civil War
Ans: Telegraphs helped spread the news more quickly
Q. Read this excerpt. Which of the following is correct about Benjamin Franklin?
Ans: He contributed to the success of the newspaper industry
Q. This selection can be described as
Ans: An informational text
Q. Which best describes how information is organized in this selection?
Ans: A process is explained in the order in which it occurs
Q. What do these two excerpts have in common?
Ans: Both illustrate how important reporting the news and free speech is to the country
Q. Read the excerpt. Which of the following sentences best summarizes
Ans: Newspapers were not making as much money as they did at one time
Q. According to the selection, improvements to printing presses and cheaper paper prices
Ans: Purchased by more people
Q. According to the selection, libel laws are important because they
Ans: Protect newspapers from being unfairly sued in court
Hair Is An Expression of Style
Q. What is the main idea of this selection?
Ans: Hairstyles have been a major means of self-expression and source of cultural importance throughout history.
Q. At the end of this selection, you can tell that the author believes
Ans: hairstyles are based on personal preference.
Q. What did Samson’s enemies do…
Ans: let Samson’s hair grow back
Q. Hairstyles of the people of North Korea are determined by
Ans: government laws.
Q. Which two groups would have had shaved heads at certain times throughout history?
Ans: French women who aided Germany;
members of religious orders
Q. Choose the sentence in this excerpt that explains why older people have gray hair.
Ans: The color of hair changes over time because follicles produce less color.
Q. What does this excerpt tell you about barbers in the Middle Ages?
Ans: They were highly skilled in the use of their hands.
Q. Why was the forced shaving…
Ans: A shaved head was highly visible and a source of shame.
Q. In this excerpt, what is the meaning of the word “cropping”?
Ans: cutting closely
Q. According to the selection, people have historically fought for their right to wear a given hairstyle on the basis of
Ans: religious beliefs.
To Aid and Comfort / Careers in the Nursing Field
Q. This selection is mainly about
Ans: Career opportunities for people who are interested in healthcare.
Q. The author says home health aides work with “clients.” Based on this excerpt, why does the author use the term “clients” rather than “patients?”
Ans: Patients are people who receive medical treatment. Home health aides help with daily personal activities.
Q. Which two of these classes are required to become a registered nurse?
Ans: Psychology
Q. Which job is best for a person who wants to provide hands-on care after spending a year in training?
Ans: Licensed practical nurse
Q. According to this selection, what are two causes for the expected increase in demand for RNs?
Ans: An aging population and better access to healthcare
Q. Registered nurses tend to earn higher annual salaries than other people with nursing jobs. Why?
Ans: RNs have higher levels of education and training than other kinds of nurses.
Q. Place these four options in the nursing field in the order of the amount of schooling needed, listing the greatest amount first.
Ans: Registered nurse
Practical nurse
Nursing assistant
Home health aide
Q. States require nurses to pass exams and get licenses. What is the most likely reason for this?
Ans: States want to ensure all nurses are properly trained to do their jobs.
Q. The tone of this selection is best described as
Ans: Straightforward and objective.
Q. In which way are an RN and LPN alike?
Ans: They both require licenses for employment.
Q. In this sentence from the selection, the word “flexible” most closely means
Ans: variable
Q. Choose the sentence in this excerpt that explains why there is a physical requirement for nursing assistants.
Ans: They spend much of their day on their feet, and they must be able to move or turn patients of any size.
It Takes More Than Height
Q. This story is mainly about
Ans: how two men left their homelands to make a living in a new culture.
Q. Why do you think the Dinkas did not value education?
Ans: Education would not improve their livelihood as herders.
Q. The most important cause of Manute’s success in pro basketball was
Ans: his determination.
Q. Why does the author mention the Chinese fortune cookie incident?
Ans: to show how some actions could be considered culturally insensitive
Q. Why were Ming and his two team members called “The Walking Great Wall”?
Ans: They formed a tall barrier on the basketball court.
Q. How does the author back up his claim that Ming was gracious?
Ans: Ming accepted O’Neal’s apology for sending him a fake Chinese message.
Q. What was one of the biggest obstacles Manute had to overcome?
Ans: adjusting to a new modern culture
Q. Why does the author tell readers that Manute never used a telephone or pencil, and ate pizza?
Ans: to highlight the significant cultural adjustments he had to make in America
Q. Which of the following sentences is an opinion?
Ans: Manute was not much of a scorer, but he was a remarkable defensive player.
Q. How were Manute and Ming alike?
Ans: They both made efforts to improve conditions in their homelands.
The Perfect Wave
Q. This selection’s central focus is
Ans: The different factors that impact surfers.
Q. Choose the sentence from this excerpt that explains what obstacles surfers could face while surfing.
Ans: “Besides powerful waves, surfing’s other hazards include underwater rocks and other obstacles, sharks, jellyfish, and other animals.”
Q. Based on what you read, which word accurately describes ancient Hawaiian’s surfboards
Ans: Hefty
Q. Based on what you have read, why does the author mention that “dropping in” ahead of someone is “both rude and dangerous”?
Ans: It can cause a collision.
Q. A simile is a comparison of two things. Which sentence from the selection is an example of a simile?
Ans: Staying loose like a flexible spring to balance and turn, the surf speeds along down the face of the wave.
Q. According to this selection, the higher the wave the
Ans: More power is available to the surfer.
Q. Based on what you have read in this selection, what is a problem that surfers need to keep in mind while surfing?
Ans: Dangerous rip currents
Q. Read these two excerpts from the selection. Which sentence best states the central idea of both excerpts?
Ans: Weather plays an important role in the waves that surfers experience in the ocean.
Q. This selection is best described as
Ans: Information non-fiction
Q. Which sentence best answers the question posed in the first sentence of this excerpt
Ans: Surfers should choose a surf post based on their level of experience.
Q. Read these two excerpts from the selection. Why does the author include them?
Ans: To show the different methods surfers use to surf waves
The Rule Of King Arthur
Q. This selection is mainly about
Ans: boy who unexpectedly becomes king
Q. Arthur became king as the result of
Ans: a miracle
Q. Arthur had to prove to others that he could pull the sword from the stone more than once…
Ans: After all had tried and failed, Arthur was brought forward. Then all stood aghast, marveling to see a youth perform the feat which the strongest knights had attempted in vain.
Q. Which were the two major activities of the Knights of the Round Table?
Ans: –traveling the land and seeking adventure
–performing good deeds for anyone in need.
Q. What evidence does the selection provide that Arthur made a good king?
Ans: He restored order and ruled with fairness.
Q. Based on this excerpt, who strongly supported the decision that Arthur should be king?
Ans: the common people.
Q. By finding a sword for his brother, Arthur shows that he was
Ans: resourceful.
Q. Based on this excerpt, what can you say about Sir Kay?
Ans: His ambition got the better of him.
Q. Which quote represents an important change in the plot?
Ans: I’m not your father nor related to you.
Q. Which of the following sentences shows Sir Hector is a “doubter”?
Ans: He asks Arthur to pull the sword from the stone again.
Christa McAuliffe: Astronaut
Q. What is the main idea
Ans: A teacher inspires a generation…
Q. What was Christa’s reaction to being zipped…
Ans: She made herself comfortable
Q. When Christa first heard about the teacher…
Ans: supportive
Q. For which two reasons was Christa selected…
Ans: She was a compelling and clear communicator
She had a plan to work on a journal in space
Q. Why did Christa feel like this animal?
Ans: She had to undergo many…
Q. In this excerpt, what does the phrase “she demonstrated her worth” mean?
Ans: Christa possessed the traits that would contribute to a successful space mission
Q. Why did the de-stuffed frog, Fleegle, have to be vacuum-packed?
Ans: To decrease the amount is space it took up
Q. Which factor was the main cause of the Challenger disaster?
Ans: Fuel escaped from the…
Q. What was on of Christa’s first…
Ans: Remaining inside a small enclosure
Q. Put these events in order…
Ans: A ground crew…
Threw main…
Thick black smoke…
The cheers
Q. Choose the sentence
Ans: Fragments of the shuttle rained…
Q. What was different from other launches…
Ans: The temperature was colder than usual
The Universe Unveiled
Q. This story is mainly about Galileo and his belief
Ans: in his experiments and discoveries.
Q. Which word listed below is based on the root word for “sun”?
Ans: heliocentric
Q. Which sentence explains why Galileo’s heliocentric theory was so severely criticized?
Ans: At that time, scientific research was not a common pursuit.
Q. Galileo’s father wanted his son to study
Ans: medicine.
Q. Which of the following supports the importance the telescope played in Galileo’s discoveries?
Ans: The device provided images never before seen.
Q. What most surprised Galileo about the moons of Jupiter?
Ans: their movement
Q. In this excerpt, what does the author mean by “the power of reason”?
Ans: thinking critically
Q. How were Copernicus and Galileo alike?
Ans: They both were ridiculed for their ideas.
Q. This excerpt could be seen as an example of why it is important
Ans: to have an open mind.
Q. Galileo’s father taught him about the items pictured and
Ans: the relationship between music and math.
The Most Famous Bicycle Race
Q. This selection mainly
Ans: provides information about the history of the Tour de France and how it has changed over the years.
Q. Which two factors make the Tour de France the most watched sporting event in the world?
Ans: The race can be watched on television or online.
People can watch the race for free along the course.
Q. The word “crest” in this sentence could be replaced with the word.
Ans: top.
Q. The Tour de France was started to
Ans: help sell more L’Auto newspapers.
Q. According to this selection, which two challenges did the first Tour de France face?
Ans: Some riders would take shortcuts along the route. Riders were being attacked on the route.
Q. Read these two excerpts. According to these excerpts, caravans
Ans: help support the rider during the race, as well as the race itself.
Q. It is difficult to collect data on how many people watch the Tour de France live because people
Ans: are not required to purchase a ticket to watch the race.
Q. This selection includes facts and details about a real life event. This text can be described as
Ans: an informational text.
Q. Based on this excerpt, it is reasonable to think that over time
Ans: more cyclists from other countries have joined the race.
Q. If a cyclist is awarded a yellow jersey in the race, it means that person
Ans: was the fastest rider in a stage.
Behind the Mask
Q. This selection is mainly about how an actor…
Ans: Turned a childhood love of monsters into a successful career…
Q. Read this part of the text. The author used words inside parentheses to…
Ans: Provide a definition to the reader.
Q. In this excerpt, what does the word “impersonating” mean?
Ans: Pretending to be something else.
Q. Read this excerpt. Which statement best summarizes the information in this part?
Ans: Alan Maxson has been fascinated with monsters since he was young.
Q. Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney, and Roddy McDowall all…
Ans: Played characters in movies.
Q. Read this excerpt. Choose the sentence that best supports the author’s claim that being a monster actor is much more difficult than being a regular actor.
Ans: “But you also have to deal with additional challenges, like wearing costumes that restrict your movement and heavy makeup that can take hours to put on.”
Q. Choose the sentence that explains what actors must be thinking about when wearing a motion-capture suit.
Ans: “When you wear a motion-capture suit, you don’t physically see or feel what you look like at that moment, so you really need to focus on the weight and size of your character.”
Q. According to the selection, a green screen allows…
Ans: Computer-generated images to be used with a character.
Q. According to Alan Maxso, which two steps could you take if you think you would like to be a monster actor?
Ans: Act in a school play
Make short films
Q. Which two of the following are examples of prosthetics a monster actor may wear?
Ans: Werewolf snout
Scaly skin
Railroad To Freedom
Q. The main idea of this story is to show the
Ans: bravery of people on the Underground Railroad.
Q. In this excerpt, the author creates a mood of
Ans: Ans: uneasiness.
Q. Which words does the author use to create that mood?
Ans: fateful, shadowy, danger
Q. Why was this craft important during the time period of this story?
Ans: A quilt’s design could disguise a map.
Q. From the way the Schneiders “moved into action” after hearing the three knocks at the door, you can tell that most likely
Ans: they had experienced this situation many times before.
Q. Which sentence provides evidence that the Smiths still have hope for the future?
Ans: The Schneiders reinforced the Smiths’ feelings about the goodness of people.
Q. Which of the following sentences is an opinion?
Ans: “You crossed that icy water? This is the coldest weather we’ve had in ages!”
Q. The Fugitive Slave Law of 1850
Ans: prohibited helping runaway slaves.
Q. Which sentence explains the reason why the Schneiders were willing to take risks to run a safe house?
Ans: They understood that the runaways’ risks were even greater.
Q. The Schneiders were different from many of the other safe house owners because they
Ans: provided the runaways with a real bed.
A Series of Unlucky Events / A Preacher Tries Farming
Q. What is the central idea of this selection?
Ans: A pioneer family discovers that life on a farm is anything but easy.
Q. The family in this selection had a series of unfortunate events. Place these events in the order in which they happened, from first to last.
Ans: The father discovered that the family’s onion crop was rotting.
The milk and butter were ruined when the cows ate the rotten onions.
The oxen spilled the wagon load after getting upset by a dead animal.
The molasses barrels leaked half of their contents in the wagon.
Q. Based on this excerpt, another word for “prosperity” is
Ans: Success
Q. Read these two excerpts. Based on the text, which two of the following words best describe the father?
Ans: Level-headed
Q. Read this excerpt. What is the author’s main point in this passage?
Ans: The preacher’s plan to have a second job as a farmer was working out fine.
Q. This image shows an onion harvest. How does this image relate to the author’s childhood experience on a farm?
Ans: A rotten onion crop set off a series of unfortunate incidents that led his father to quit farming.
Q. Father repeatedly responds to problems by saying things like, “Well, well, that’s too bad.” What does this dialogue reveal about the father?
Ans: He is stable and consistent
Q. Read these excerpts. Just when they thought the molasses was safe, the author’s little sister turned the spigot handle. if the bung hole was higher, what might have happened?
Ans: They would have lost less molasses.
Q. When the molasses sprung a leak, the author writes that his father urged the oxen to “the top of their speed.” Why did he add “which was about three miles per hour?”
Ans: He is suggesting that even at their fastest the oxen might be too slow to save the molasses.
Q. Which sentence from the text shows why father decided to butcher the cow?
Ans: So there was the milk, butter, eggs, and chicken dinners- -gone with the wind.
Q. In this excerpt from the selection, why does the author add the comment in parentheses, “which was about three miles per hour?”
Ans: He is giving the idea that, even at their fastest, the oxen will be too slow to save much molasses.
Q. George Strester is the author of this selection about pioneer life on his family’s farm. His personal narrative can also be called
Ans: A biography
Q. Read this excerpt. Which sentence summarizes this paragraph?
Ans: The family enjoyed an abundant harvest in their first season.
Q. What happened to the last of the family’s molasses?
Ans: The container exploded, spewing molasses all over the house.
Q. Choose the sentence in this excerpt that shows the family is taking over a farm that someone gave up without ever intending to return.
Ans: There were about five acres of land that had been plowed before by some settler who had abandoned the place before we came.
Driving “Green”
Q. This story is mainly about
Ans: why hybrid cars are good for people and the environment.
Q. The car in this story is called a “hybrid” because
Ans: it combines a new and an old technology.
Q. Hybrid cars are different from standard cars because they
Ans: use both gasoline and electricity.
Q. If you saw two engines, one from a hybrid car and one from a standard car, how could you tell which one belonged to the hybrid?
Ans: The hybrid car engine would be smaller.
Q. Which statement reflects how technology is being applied to solve environmental problems?
Ans: Hybrids get better gas mileage because their gasoline engine and electric motor make better use of fuel.
Q. The author wrote this story with the purpose of
Ans: describing hybrid cars and their advantages.
Q. Which sentence supports the author’s statement that hybrid cars have long-term benefits?
Ans: It is estimated that hybrids reduce the production of greenhouse gases that cause global warming by up to 50 percent.
Q. In regard to this picture, what could hybrid cars help eliminate?
Ans: air pollution
Q. This excerpt indicates that Amanda’s opinion about hybrids could be described as
Ans: enthusiastic and optimistic.
Q. What might happen if everyone drove hybrids instead of other motor vehicles?
Ans: The need to import oil from foreign countries would be reduced.
Picture Of UFO In The Air Blue Sky
Q. Selection mainly about
Ans: Search for Life in space and the debate about whether it’s a good idea
Q. Based on this excerpt, what does David Grinspoon argue is the greatest
Ans: Human beings
Q. In the past scientists have used SETI to search radio signals from space
Ans: It would send out Radio signals to space with the intention of being found
Q. Read this excerpt, Grinspoon uses the word “anti-human” to describe his belief that
Ans: One person should not make a decision that affects the entire human race
Q. What are the protocols vakoch..selection?
Ans: Policies or rules…life beyond earth
Q. Before contacting aliens…choose one sentence that explains the reason for this
Ans: If we do contact aliens..interactions peaceful
Q. Based on this of active SETI
-Space beings
-Humans are already
Q. Which one of these..why the author wrote the text?
Ans: Should we actively…to space beings?
Q. Based on this selection..against active SETI?
Ans: Without knowing what space… the earth is unwise
Q. Together these two excerpts demonstrate scientists
Ans: Opposing views on attempting to find alien life
A Unique Talent
Q. This selection is mainly about the
Ans: Development of beatboxing over the centuries
Q. Put these musical artists in the order in which they appeared in history, starting with the earliest
– French troubadours
– North Indian musicians
– Barbershop quartets
– Jazz scatters
Q. From this excerpt, you can tell that the author’s view of the future of beatboxing is
Ans: Enthusiastic
Q. What can you say about the popularity of beatboxing over the years?
Ans: It went through a number of ups and downs
Q. What evidence does the author provide to support the statement that Doug E Fresh
Ans: He created click rolls used by all beatboxers
Q. Rahzel proved he was a unique hip-hop artist by
Ans: Singing and beatboxing at the same time
Q. Which of the following music groups influenced the development of beatboxing styles?
Ans: Barbershop quartets
Q. Based on this excerpt, which of the following contributed to the re-emergence of beatboxing
Ans: Rappers’ lack of funds to buy drum machines
Q. Based on this excerpt, which of the following two methods did Rachel use to achieve the unique
– Vocal scratching
– Wind technique
Q. French troubadours were like today’s hip-hop artists because they
Ans: Combined poetry with music to make songs
Going Underground
Q. What is the main idea of this selection?
Ans: Building an Earthscraper could prove to be a practical solution to a difficult urban problem.
Q. In many cities around the world, what is the root cause of major problems?
Ans: overpopulation
Q. Which term applies to the expansion of a city’s geographic size?
Ans: urban sprawl
Q. Which of the following describe the Suarez brothers?
Ans: resourceful and realistic
Q. Which shape describes the appearance of the Earthscraper?
Ans: inverted pyramid
Q. Which of the following is considered the biggest initial obstacle to building the Earthscraper in Mexico City?
Ans: construction costs
Q. Which aspect of the proposed museum probably would be the most significant?
Ans: the exhibits of cultural artifacts uncovered during construction
Q. The author tries to convince readers that constructing an Earthscraper is possible by
Ans: referring to the fact that humans have overcome obstacles when building massive structures in the past.
Q. Which sentence supports the author’s statement that the Earthscraper would have a peoplefriendly environment?
Ans: These garden-like areas, called “Earth lobbies,” would produce additional oxygen for the people inside to breathe.
Q. Why is Mexico City an ideal site for construction of the Earthscraper?
Ans: The completed structure would preserve historical architecture and public space.
A First-Grader Makes History
Q. This story is mainly about
Ans: a hard-won victory in the fight for equal rights to a good education.
Q. Why does the author use the word “gently” in describing how Ruby’s mother explained the school situation to her?
Ans: so as not to scare Ruby with too much detail
Q. Which sentence supports the statement that prejudiced white people blocked the court judgment “as long as they could”?
Ans: The principal did not assign Ruby to a class the first day.
Q. Although the President Lincoln freed the slaves, what prevented them from making much progress?
Ans: unfair laws and deep-rooted customs
Q. How does the author present a balanced view of white people?
Ans: by mentioning those who fought to end discrimination
Q. Why was the test for African American kindergartners so hard?
Ans: Education of the kindergartners had been insufficient.
Q. You can tell that ending segregation was dangerous mostly because
Ans: federal marshals were needed to enforce the court ruling.
Q. This excerpt shows that Mrs. Henry’s actions during school desegregation could be described as
Ans: courageous.
Q. President Obama said he was grateful to Ruby because
Ans: she broke barriers to make it easier for others.
Q. In this excerpt, why does the author refer to racism as “a grown-up disease”?
Ans: Children are not naturally racist.
Heads of State / Centers of Government
Q. What is the main idea of this selection?
Ans: Seats of government are symbols of states and centers of national power.
Q. What is meant by proportional representation, such that in Holland?
Ans: The people vote for a political party instead of an individual candidate.
Q. Based on the descriptions of seats of power in this selection, where would this one be located?
Ans: Japan
Q. The parliament in Japan includes members elected by which two voting systems?
Ans: Proportional
Q. Based on this excerpt, what type of voting system does the House of Commons use?
Ans: First-past-the-post voting system
Q. Which two chambers make the United Kingdom a bicameral type of government?
Ans: House of Lords
House of Commons
Q. Choose the sentence in this excerpt that supports the author’s statement that a seat of government is a symbol.
Ans: “Citizens often look to their seat of government when they want to define what their nation represents.”
Q. Which of the following has the most political power in the United Kingdom?
Ans: Prime Minister
Q. Read this excerpt. Why is the term “rubber stamp” used to describe how a sovereign approves of government appointments?
Ans: The Sovereign is only symbolically certifying the Prime Minister’s choice.
Q. Why did the author include this maxim by Confucius in the opening paragraph of the selection?
Ans: The maxim represents the ideal standard for modern representative governments.
Q. How are members of the British parliament’s house of lords and the Russian federation council similar?
Ans: They both include elite individuals who are appointed to their position
Born to Dance / Deborah Dawn: Ballerina
Q. This selection is mainly about Deborah Dawn and her
Ans: Life long ballet career
Q. Put these events from Deborah’s life in order in which they occurred, starting with the earliest.
Ans: Deborah began dancing on pointe.
Deborah broke her leg and could not dance for 6 months
Deborah enrolled in the school of American Ballet year round
Deborah joined the Joffrey Ballet Company
Q. At age 11, Deborah won a scholarship to attend a ballet summer camp. She did not go because she
Ans: Was so young
Q. What does the phrase “all star, no star” mean in this excerpt?
Ans: Everyone in the company gets a chance to perform.
Q. Deborah once said that being happy is just as important as (Question might be written differently)
Alt ver of question: Deborah would say that having a positive attitude in ballet is just as important as
Ans: Physical health
Q. Why does Deborah advise students to “be honest with your injuries”?
Ans: To help them avoid getting seriously hurt
Q. As a teacher, Deborah could be described as
Ans: Fair
Q. Read this excerpt. The author includes this story to show that
Ans: Anyone can dance, even some who cannot see
Q. What is most unusual about Deborah’s career today?
Ans: She is still dancing even in her mid-40s
Q. What would be another good title for this selection?
Ans: Dancing through life
Q. What do these two excerpts have in common?
Ans: They both include Deborah’s advice to young dancers
Q. Choose the one sentence in this excerpt that contains the figure of speech called a metaphor
Ans: “Dancers come in all shapes and sizes,” says Deborah. “Like America, the company was a melting pot, welcoming differences.”
Q. In her teen years, Deborah had difficulty balancing which two things?
Ans: School work
A Vision Of Gold
Q. This story is mainly about Derrick Redmond and
Ans: the setbacks he faced with courage.
Q. Which sentence indicates the dedication that is needed to win an Olympic Gold Medal?
Ans: He had been training for this day for the last 20 years.
Q. You can tell Redmond’s injuries were serious mostly because
Ans: he needed eight operations.
Q. In this excerpt, the author creates a mood of
Ans: confidence.
Q. Which sentence characterizes Redmond’s motivation to win a gold medal?
Ans: Maintain a single vision of victory.
Q. In this excerpt, which phrase signals a major change in the action?
Ans: all of a sudden
Q. Derrick finished the race after he tore his hamstring because
Ans: he was determined not to give up.
Q. The author describes Derrick’s father, Jim, as “exceptionally close” to his son. Which sentence supports that description?
Ans: When Jim saw Derrick hobble, he felt a quickening of his heart and a trembling in his own leg.
Q. Why was Redmond disqualified in his semi-final event at the Olympics in Spain?
Ans: He had help from his father during the race.
Q. Why was it ironic that Derrick ended up playing professional basketball?
Ans: A surgeon told him he would never run again.
A Diamond in the Rough / Diamonds: Fortune and Misfortune
Q. What is the main idea of this selection?
Ans: The cost and availability of diamonds have changed over the years…
Q. Which quality of diamonds is most valuable in their use for industry?
Ans: Hardness
Q. Diamonds are sometimes viewed as symbols of love. What fact about diamonds runs counter to this view?
Ans: Diamonds have been the cause of violence and brutality.
Q. According to this selection, which of the following factors increased the demand for diamonds by regular people?
Ans: Diamond rings became symbols of couple’s engagement.
Q. In this excerpt, what is the author’s purpose in including a description of the Kimberley Process?
Ans: To inform the reader about increased regulation of diamond sources to eliminate violence.
Q. Based on this excerpt, at this point in history which two qualities cause diamonds to be expensive?
Ans: They were precious.
They were rare.
Q. Choose two sentences in this excerpt that illustrate the two shapes in which diamonds exist over the course of their creation, before being shaped further by people.
Ans: “They form huge shafts, shaped like carrots, when carbon deposits are subjected to enormous heat and pressure”
“Over many thousands of years these shafts break into large and small fragments”
Q. How did Schalk van Niekerk probably feel when he learned the value of the stone he has sold to Jack O’Reilly for a low price?
Ans: Regretful
Q. What led to the initial discovery of large numbers of diamonds in South Africa?
Ans: A young boy picked up an unusual stone.
Q. What evidence does the author give to support the conclusion that experts were wrong about the formation of diamonds.
Ans: Many more diamonds than expected were found in Africa
Q. In this excerpt, what is the meaning of the word “means?”
Ans: incomes
Q. Based on these excerpts, what are two negative aspects of the diamond industry?
Ans: The working conditions and wages of diamond miners have often been horrible
The money earned from diamond mines has been used to fund violent wars
The Code Talkers
Q. This story is mainly about World War II and
Ans: how a unique code played a critical role in winning the war.
Q. In this excerpt, what does the word “crack” mean?
Ans: make sense of
Q. Which sentence supports the military’s decision to use the Navajos as Code Talkers?
Ans: Their language’s strange tones and unusual word arrangement made it almost impossible for non-native speakers to understand.
Q. The code demonstration changed the American general’s mind about using the Navajos because of its
Ans: swiftness.
Q. Which sentence supports the statement, “Communication is a critical part of any war”?
Ans: If the enemy were to intercept these communications, the element of surprise would be lost.
Q. What is the most unusual aspect of the Navajo language?
Ans: It has no alphabet or symbols.
Q. What could be considered a “stumbling block” in developing the secret code?
Ans: No Navajo words existed for military equipment.
Q. In the Navajo secret code, the word for the object in this picture meant
Ans: battleship.
Q. What could happen if a written secret code was carried on the battlefield?
Ans: It could come into enemy hands if the Code Talker was captured.
Q. Which phrase explains why the Japanese were frustrated in trying to crack this secret code?
Ans: gurgling noises
Navajo Heroes / The Secret Words
Q. This selection is mainly about World War II and
Ans: How a unique code played a critical role in winning the war.
Q. In the Navajo secret code, the word for the subject in this picture meant
Ans: Battleship.
Q. The code demonstration changed the American general’s mind about using the Navajos. Which word best describes the primary factor for the change in the general’s opinion?
Ans: Swiftness
Q. In this excerpt, what does the word “crack” mean?
Ans: Make sense of
Q. Place the following events in order.
Ans: Johnson learns to speak the Navajo language.
Johnson reads a article about code development.
Johnson urges an American general to use Navajos.
Johnson puts on a demonstration of Navajos skills.
Q. Which sentence supports the statement, “communication is a critical part of any war”?
Ans: If the enemy were to intercept these communications, the element of surprise would be lost.
Q. What is the most unusual aspect of the Navajo language?
Ans: It has no alphabet or symbols.
Q. According to this selection, for which two items does the military still use Navajo Code terms today?
Ans: Running shoes
Q. Based on this excerpt, what could be considered a “stumbling block” in developing the secret code?
Ans: No Navajo words existed for military equipment.
Q. What could happen if a written secret code was carried on the battlefield?
Ans: It could fall into enemy hands if the Code Talker was captured.
Q. Which sentence supports the military’s decision to use the Navajos as Code Talkers?
Ans: Their languages’ strange tones and unusual word arrangement made it almost impossible for non-native speakers to understand.
Q. In this excerpt, which phrase explains why the Japanese were frustrated in trying to crack this secret code?
Ans: gurgling noises